Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish American Fraternal Organization founded in New York City in 1836. The order evolved from a need in the early sixteen hundreds to protect the lives of the priests who risked immediate death to keep the Catholic faith alive in occupied Ireland. When England implemented its dreaded Penal Laws in Ireland, various secret social societies were formed across the country. These groups worked to aid and comfort the people by whatever means were available. Later in time, the vast influx of Irish immigrants fleeing famine in Ireland prompted the growth of various social societies in the U.S.A., the largest of which was, and continues to be the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Active across the United States, the order seeks to aid the newly arrived Irish, both socially and politically. The AOH has been at the political forefront for issues concerning the Irish such as: the current peace process; immigration reform; economic incentives - both here and in Ireland; human rights issues; the Mac Bride legislation; right to life; and a peaceful and just solution to the issues that divide Ireland.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is the finest Irish Catholic organization in the world. We are guided by our motto of "Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity."
Division 87 - Port Richmond - Promoting Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity since April 14, 1898!
AOH DIV. 87 - Putting the AOH Motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity into Practice
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